Investing in foreign markets offers significant opportunities, but it also comes with unique risks, particularly in countries like Russia. While Russia remains a lucrative destination for investors, thanks to its abundant natural resources and vast consumer market, the business environment requires careful navigation. Investors must be vigilant and informed, as missteps in this region can […]
The business of big internet companies like Google and Facebook is personal data. Every time we search for something online or click on something we are interested in, we are providing big tech companies with valuable information. All this data is sold to third parties, mostly advertisers, who will use it to better target their […]
The perception of safety has changed a lot in recent years due to terrorism and mass shootings. The world could be divided by conflict zones, where everyone is aware of the dangers, where some areas are not immune to crime but are in general terms peaceful. The landscape nowadays is completely different. Terrorists have killed […]
The concerns over whether hackers are now in control of the world are growing every day. It does seem like an argument out of a movie, but there are reasons to be worried. Russian hackers have been in the spotlight in the past couple of years due to different cyber security issues, mainly concerning data […]
We hear a lot about social media and social networks these days. The benefits are well known. They make meeting and connecting with new people easy, and they facilitate easy communication between groups of friends and professional contacts. But, what about the privacy risks involved? Many users are not fully aware of the risks implied […]
Every day we see something new that has gone viral on the internet. In the era of sharing, we love to upload, share and watch anything from a cat video chasing a mop, to a super talented little girl singing, to a celebrity´s bad hair day. Big news, either positive or negative, bring people together […]